Infrastructure WorldApr 14, 2021Looking for the Infrastructure in Biden’s Big Infrastructure PlanInfrastructure matters a lot. And after years of appalling neglect, it is finally at the top of America’s agenda as the centerpiece of...
Infrastructure WorldFeb 2, 2021Getting It Right – Pitfalls and Promise of the Energy TransitionTransitioning to a cleaner energy future is a goal embraced by the Paris Climate Accords, the new Biden Administration, the European...
Barbara TreatAug 23, 2020BlackoutThis has turned into a year when you’re scared to ask the question: “What next?” An already tough year turned even rougher in California...
Infrastructure WorldJul 17, 2020Simplifying NEPA RegulationsOn July 15, 2020 President Trump announced that his administration was moving forward with rules that would amend the way the 50-year old...